Sunday, December 1, 2019

Job Satisfaction and Job Performance free essay sample

The attitudes, ideas, feelings and interests of a child are influenced by the organization of his/her family, thinking of parents and customs of the society. Personality of parents, their education and their behaviour towards the children is the basis of development of attitudes. Teachers having favourable attitude towards their profession are generally successful, properly adjusted and well satisfied with their job. Conducting a study on the secondary school teachers of  Bangalore  city Umme (1999) concluded that attitude towards teaching correlated positively and significantly with their job-satisfaction. OBJECTIVES 1. To compare the job satisfaction of teacher educators with their attitude towards teaching; 2. To compare the job satisfaction of male teacher educators with their attitude towards teaching; 3. To compare the job satisfaction of female teacher educators with their attitude towards teaching. HYPOTHESES 1. There is positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching among teacher educators; 2. There is positive and signification relationship between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching among male teacher educators; 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There is positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching among female teacher educators. METHOD The study was descriptive survey type. Sample The sample comprised of 250 teacher educators with 100 male and 150 female teachers educators from 20 Colleges of Education affiliated to  Panjab  University,  Chandigarh,  Guru  Nanak  Dev  University,  Amritsar  and  PunjabiUniversity,  Patiala. Tools 1. Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) by Amar Singh and T. R. Sharma (1999) revised version; 2. Teacher Attitude Inventory by S. P. Ahluwalia (1998) revised version. Statistical Techniques Product moment correlation technique was used to find the relation between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching. RESULTS Product moment correlations were worked out between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching. The value of correlation between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching was 0. 0456, which was not significant. This leads to the partial confirmation of hypotheses 1. Hence, job satisfaction of teacher educators thus is positively but not significantly related to attitude towards teaching. The value of correlation between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching was 0. 123, which was positive but not significant. Thus, the hypothesis 2 was partially accepted. Hence, job satisfaction of male teacher educators is positively but not significantly related to attitude towards teaching. The value of correlation between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching was 0. 0034 which was positive but not significant, which leads to the partial confirmation of hypothesis 3. Thus, relation between job satisfaction and attitude towards teaching of female teacher educators is positive but not significant. CONCLUSION The job satisfaction of teacher educators was positively but not significantly related to their attitude towards teaching. The job satisfaction of male and female teacher educators was also positively but not significantly related to their attitude towards teaching. REFERENCE Umme, K. (1999) A factor analytic study of job involvement of secondary school teachers in  Bangalore  city. Experiments in Education  28, 9 , 159-163, September. Teachers are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs, with budget cuts, larger classroom sizes and increased levels of stress all contributing to the problem, according to a nationwide survey released Thursday. The  annual MetLife Survey of the American Teacher  shows the lowest level of job satisfaction among teachers since the group began the survey in 1985. According to the survey, which was conducted toward the end of 2012, teacher satisfaction has declined 23 percentage points from four years earlier, and is down 5 percentage points from 2011. Weve seen a continuous decline in teacher satisfaction, Dana Markow, vice president of youth and education research for pollster Harris Interactive,  told the Huffington Posts Joy Resmovits. Harris Interactive conducted the poll for MetLife. The survey shows that half (51 percent) of teachers report feeling under great stress several days a week, which is an increase of 15 percentage points over 1985. The survey does not break down responses by state, but its no secret that teachers in Wisconsin have been under stress. Many joined massive protests at the Capitol in 2011 when Gov. Scott Walker introduced Act 10 —  his bill that stripped collective bargaining rights from most public employees. The combination of diminished bargaining rights and reduced funds for education in Walkers first biennial budget led to increased employee benefit payments,  a wave of teacher retirements  and also  put many school districts under financial pressure. The combination of that, plus increasing demands for school and teacher accountability, led one teacher in Whitefish Bay to tearfully tell her school board last week that she is resigning. In a  widely shared story on Whitefish Bay Now, high school math teacher Christine Kiefer was quoted saying: I love teaching kids and I love the kids families and I love my colleagues and I love Whitefish Bay, but I cannot wait any longer. I cant stay at a job that sacrifices all my time for my own family — at least two hours every school night and between six to 12 hours every weekend — time after the bell rings, time that produces such good results when there is no good faith effort on the part of the district to pay what I am worth, to pay me what you would probably have to pay an equivalent replacement for me. In the article, a Whitefish Bay School Board member told Kiefer they have little power to improve matters because so many key decisions are made at the state level. Two years ago, the article said, the state cut the districts funding by $2 million. Our hands are tied, School Board Member Cheryl Maranto said. I know the reason we are surviving is because of what happened to your pay and benefits. Read more:  http://host. madison. com/news/local/education/local_schools/job-satisfaction-for-teachers-at-record-low-survey-shows/article_063b0866-7c45Abstract:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Work plays a prominent role in our lives. It occupies more time than any other single activity and it provides the economic basis for our lifestyle. Satisfaction  with work or  job  is generally defined as the employee’s general attitude towards his or her  job, management and the organization. It is often believed that teaching is a noble profession and  teachers  enter the teaching profession for intrinsic factors which encompass the opportunities for professional advancement, personal and professional challenges, professional autonomy, interactions with colleagues and interactions with students. The present study was conducted to understand whether the perception of  job  satisfaction  among  teachers  is affected by the type  oforganization (private versus government) and the gender (male versus female). The findings  of  this study indicated that the government school  teachers  appeared to be more satisfied than the private school  teachers, though there was no significant difference in the  job  satisfaction  of  male and female teachers. -11e2-bf7c-001a4bcf887a. html#ixzz2MToVGRxsJOB SATISFACTION IN TEACHERS JADE A. YEZZI, AND  DAVIDLESTER [pic] Read More:  http://www. amsciepub. om/doi/abs/10. 2466/pr0. 2000. 87. 3. 776Teachers decision participation, school climate, sense of efficacy, and  job  satisfaction  have increased in importance in recent years. Using a national data set, the authors of the present study explored the dimensionality of these variables and their interrelationships. Regression analyses were performed to pre dict  teachers sense of efficacy and  job  satisfaction  from decision participation and school climate. Aspects of school climate emerged as stronger predictors of  jobsatisfaction  than did the elements of decision participation. Strongest among these school climate dimensions were the lack of obstacles to teaching and principal leadership. Similarly, the best predictors of  teachers sense of efficacy were the dimensions of school climate referred to as faculty communication and the lack of obstacles to teaching. Contrary to predictions, dimensions of decision participation didPresent thought and action relating to satisfaction and motivation of teachers appear to he based on the assumption that job factors which satisfy teachers and job factors which dissatisfy teachers are arranged on a conceptual continuum. This paper tests an alternate assumption which was proposed by Frederick Herzbcrg and his associates. Herzberg suggests that job factors which satisfy workers and job factors which dissatisfy workers are not arranged on a conceptual continuum but are mutually exclusive. The findings of the study reported here revealed that some factors, reported by teachers as contributing to their job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction, were polar in a positive direction and other factors were polar in a negative direction. Achievement, recognition and responsibility were factors which contributed predominantly to teacher job satisfaction. Interpersonal relations (students), interpersonal relations (peers), â€Å"supervision technical†, school policy and administration, unfairness, status and personal life were factors which contributed predominantly to teacher dissatisfaction. Further, the satisfaction factors identified for teachers tend to focus on the work itself and the dissatisfaction factors tend to focus on the conditions of work. The results of this study tend to support the universality of Herzbergs findings. not emerge as best predictors of either  teachers sense of efficacy orjob  satisfaction. Present thought and action relating to satisfaction and motivation of teachers appear to he based on the assumption that job factors which satisfy teachers and job factors which dissatisfy teachers are arranged on a conceptual continuum. This paper tests an alternate assumption which was proposed by Frederick Herzbcrg and his associates. Herzberg suggests that job factors which satisfy workers and job factors which dissatisfy workers are not arranged on a conceptual continuum but are mutually exclusive. The findings of the study reported here revealed that some factors, reported by teachers as contributing to their job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction, were polar in a positive direction and other factors were polar in a negative direction. Achievement, recognition and responsibility were factors which contributed predominantly to teacher job satisfaction. Interpersonal relations (students), interpersonal relations (peers), â€Å"supervision technical†, school policy and administration, unfairness, status and personal life were factors which contributed predominantly to teacher dissatisfaction. Further, the satisfaction factors identified for teachers tend to focus on the work itself and the dissatisfaction factors tend to focus on the conditions of work. The results of this study tend to support the universality of Herzbergs findings. This report describes U. S. K-12 teachers satisfaction with teaching as a career and identifies some workplace-related factors associated with satisfaction. Factors examined include school and workplace characteristics, teacher background, salary, and other benefits. Results are presented in three sections. The first section describes satisfaction levels of teachers with different background characteristics, teaching in different types of schools and school systems, with different perceptions of workplace conditions, and receiving different levels of compensation. The second section contrasts characteristics of most and least satisfied teachers. Using multivariate analysis, the third section describes the strength of association between teacher satisfaction and those workplace conditions open to policy changes after accounting for other relevant teacher and school characteristics. Findings indicate that working conditions related to satisfaction are administrative support and leadership, student behavior, and school atmosphere. Compensation is only modestly related to teacher satisfactioSignificantly, job satisfaction and motivation are very essential to the continuing growth of educational systems around the world and they rank alongside professional knowledge and skills, center competencies, educational resources as well as strategies, in genuinely determining educational success and performance. This study assessed the differences and relationship between the level of teachers’ job satisfaction, motivation and their teaching performance in Rivers State of Nigeria. A questionnaire titled ‘TEJOSAMOQ’ was used to collect data for the study. While the data for the study was analyzed using multiple statistical procedures: mean point value, standard deviation, and variance, t-test of significance and One-way-analysis of variance (ANOVA). The survey results revealed that teacher related sources of job satisfaction seem to have a greater impact on teaching performance, as teachers are also dissatisfiedwith the educational policies and administration, pay and fringe benefits, material rewards and advancement. Background to the Study The relevance of job satisfaction and motivation are very crucial to the long-term growth of any educational system around the world. They probably rank alongside professional knowledge and skills, center competencies, educational resources and strategies as the veritable determinants of educational success and performance. Professional knowledge, skills and center competencies occur when one feels effective in one’s behavior. In other words, professional knowledge, skills and competencies can be seen when one is taking on and mastering challenging tasks directed at educational success and performance (Filak Sheldon, 2003). The above factors are closely similar to efficacy, and, of course, it is well known that many teachers lose or fail to develop self-efficacy within educational settings (Dweck, 1999). In addition, needs satisfaction and motivation to work are very essential in the lives of teachers because they form the fundamental reason for working in life. While almost every teacher works in order to satisfy his or her needs in life, he or she constantly agitates for need satisfaction. Job satisfaction in this context is the ability of the teaching job to meet teachers’ needs and improve their job/teaching performance. However, it is assumed that teachers’ agitations and demands are beyond the resources of the Ministry of Education or the government. As a result, the government in Nigeria and the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) are in a constant stand-off over the increase in salaries, benefits, and improvements in working conditions of teachers. The federal and state governments have argued that the present economic realities in the country cannot sustain the demanded increase in salaries, benefits, and improvements in working conditions. Specifically they argue that teachers’ demands are beyond the governmentresources. Another problem is the government’s position concerning the job performance of the teachers; they accuse the teachers of negligence, laziness, purposeful lethargy, and lack of dedication and zeal to work. They further argue that teachers’ level of efficiency and effectiveness does not necessitate the constant request for salary increase, incentives and better working conditions. While teachers on their part argue that the existing salary structure, benefits and working conditions do not satisfy their basic needs in as much as other sectors of the economy have bigger salary structure, better motivation and enhanced working conditions. They feel Nigeria’s economy is not properly balanced, hence, their demands. The teachers’ argument is in line with Adams’ (1963) equity theory of motivation. Adams’ Equity Theory calls for a fair balance to be struck between employees’ inputs (e. g. , hard work, skill levels, tolerance, and enthusiasm) and employees’ outputs (e. g. , salary, benefits, and intangibles such asrecognition). According to the theory’s finding, a fair balance serves to ensure a strong and productive relationship with the employees, with the overall result being satisfied, thus motivated employees. The theory is built-on the belief that employees become demotivated, both in relation to their job and their employer, if they feel as though their inputs are greater than the outputs. Employees can be expected to respond to this is different ways, including de-motivation (generally to the extent the employee perceives the disparity between the inputs and the outputs exist), reduced effort, becoming disgruntled, or, in more extreme cases, perhaps even disruptive (http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newLDR_96. tm) Teachers are expected to render a very high job performance, and the Ministry of Education is always curious regarding the job performance of its teachers. Also, the Ministry of Education demands a very high measure of loyalty, patriotism, dedication, hard work and commitment from its teachers (Ubom Joshua, 2004). Similarly, the roles and contexts of educations’ motivational methods and tools cannot be underemphasized because high motivation enhances productivit y which is naturally in the interests of all educational systems (Ololube 2004, 2005). The overall purpose of the study was to explore and explain job satisfaction and teachers’ work motivation in relation to Nigerian teachers’ needs satisfaction for school effectiveness. The primary purpose of the present research was to test these ideas in the education environment, using teachers’ job and need satisfaction ratings as the dependent variables and teachers’ background information as the independent variables. To a large extent, this work is built on the theoretical frameworks of scholars like Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman (1959) and Maslow (1943, 1970). The research hypotheses and objectives of this research were made to order for the study of Nigerian teachers’ job satisfaction, with the view of ascertaining the degree to which intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivation impact them in their work situation. The relevance and intrigue of this research may be seen in how far it supports or refutes prior claims about job satisfaction and motivation amongst Nigerian teachers and, if possible, teachers around the world. Prominently, Nigerian teachers referred to in this study are secondary school teachers. In addition, the job and needs satisfactions of the Nigerian teachers werecompared with the findings from similar studies both within and outside the field of education. For example, Adams (1963), Denga (1996), Filak and Sheldon (2003), Hoppock (1993), MaKenna (2000), Michaelowa (2002), Reis et al. (2000), Robbins (1998), Roe (1970), Sheldon et al. (2001), Sheldon, Ryan, and Reis (1996), Ubom (2001), Ubom and Joshua (2004), Vroom (1964), and Whawo (1993) were consulted in order to establish the extent of variability or association that may exist across their findings. Finally, the empirical findings from this study would help in describing or explaining the pivotal role of motivation on the needs satisfaction of Nigerian teachers’ in line with other theories that are reviewed in this work. However, the emphasis of this research is on the need-based or content theories, with a glance at process and reinforcement theories. The questionnaire developed and used to gather data for this study borrows from similar works on motivation and need satisfaction by authors like Maslow (1943, 1970), Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman (1959), Ifinedo (2003) and many others. In particular, this research paper is written for education planners, policy makers, educators, academics and human resource development and strategic managersinterested in empirical information methods to conceptualise the issue raised in this study and provide them with useful suggestions that might help them improve secondary schooling in Nigeria. Multiple audiences exist for any text, thus it is my intention that the academic community will also find this paper a useful addition to school effectiveness and school improvement literature. Theoretical Perspectives and Literature Review Employee job satisfaction and motivation can be studied through several broad approaches vis-a-vis content or need based theories, process theories and reinforcement theories. However, the term employee motivation is a complex and difficult term to define; therefore a precise definition of this concept is elusive as the notion comprises the characteristics of individual and situation as well as the perception of that situation by the individual (Ifinedo 2003; Rosenfeld Wilson 1999). An organization’s liveliness, whether public or private, comes from the motivation of its employees, although their abilities play just as crucial a role in determining their work performance their motivation (Lewis, Goodman Fandt 1995). Golembiewski (1973, p. 597) refers to motivation as the degree of readiness of an organization to pursue some designated goal and implies the determination of the nature and locus of the forces inducing the degree of readiness. To Kelly (1974, p. 279), motivation has to do with the forces that maintain and alter the direction, quality and intensity of behavior. According to Hoy and Miskel (1987, p. 176), employee motivation is the complex forces, drives, needs, tension states, or other mechanisms that start and maintain voluntary activity directed towards the achievement of personal goals. In short, Dessler (2001) defined motivation as the intensity of a person’s desire to engage in some activity. From the above definitions some issues are brought to mind that deal with what starts and energizes human behavior, how those forces are directed and sustained as well as the outcomes they bring about (performance). It follows therefore that there is a relationship between motivation and job satisfaction, which is paramount in any organization’s existence. However, the concepts of motivation and job satisfaction are often confused with one another. Peretomode (1991) citing Gibson, et al. pointed out that the two terms are related but are not synonymous. They acknowledged that job satisfaction is one part of the motivational process. While motivation is primarily concerned with goal-directed behavior, job satisfaction refers to the fulfillment acquired by experiencing various job activities and rewards. It is possible that an employee may display low motivation from the organization’s perspective yet enjoy every aspect of the job. This state represents high job satisfaction. Peretomode (1991, p. 113) also argued that a highly motivated employee might also be dissatisfied with every aspect of his or her job. Ifinedo (2003) demonstrated that a motivated worker is easy to spot by his or her agility, dedication, enthusiasm, focus, zeal, and general performance and contribution to organizational objectives and goals. Need-based Approach or Content theory Several factors are believed to influence a person’s desire to perform work or behave in a certain way. The need-based theories explained these desires; they explained motivation primarily as a phenomenon that occurs intrinsically, or within an individual. We can widely recognize two need-based theorists and their theories: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg et al. ’s two factor theory. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow’s (1943, 1970) need-based theory of motivation is the most

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